Determination of Eligibility
To be eligible for consideration for accreditation, an institution or entity must satisfy EEQA requirements. Use the Self-Assessment Checklist to determine your institution's eligibility.
Initial Application
EEQA is committed to collaborating with the institution in effecting a smooth and deliberate path toward meeting criteria and attaining an accreditation status.
Initial Campus Accountability Report (CAR)
As part of the complete application for an initial grant of accreditation with EEQA, an institution must complete a Campus Accountability Report (CAR). The CAR includes important data such as the overall enrollment at the institution, retention of students, and placement of completers and graduates.
Initial Resource Visit
Following the acceptance of the initial application materials, including the assessment of the institution’s financial stability, an EEQA staff member will conduct an Initial Resource Visit. The purpose of this visit is to assess the general eligibility of the institution; verify the enrollment, retention, and placement information submitted in the Annual Institutional Report; and examine other aspects of the institution’s readiness to proceed into the accreditation process.
Application and Self-Study
The self-study is the most important part of the process of accreditation and must be considered a major effort of the institution, one requiring time and careful planning. The self-study provides the institution with the opportunity to engage in a comprehensive analysis of all aspects of its operation.
Accreditation Training
The Initial Accreditation Workshop is required for all initial applicants but is also open to anyone interested in learning about the EEQA Initial Accreditation process. The Renewal Accreditation Workshop provides an overview of evaluation visit preparation and procedures. The Renewal Accreditation Workshop is required for all institutions applying for a renewal of accreditation. The chief on-site administrator and/or self-study coordinator must attend an accreditation workshop within 18 months prior to the submission of the self-study.
Evaluation Site Visit
When an institution has submitted a satisfactory self-study and other required documentation, the EEQA President will appoint a team to visit and evaluate the institution. The institution is notified of the composition of the visiting team and may request that team members be replaced for cause.
Team Report and Response
The evaluation team prepares a written report that covers each area reviewed at the institution and includes other information pertinent to an accurate evaluation. The report subsequently is sent by the team chair to EEQA, and from there to the institution for its review and response.
Intermediate Review Committee
All materials pertinent to an institution’s accreditation are reviewed by experienced persons before being reviewed by EEQA Commissioners. This group will make a recommendation to EEQA if the evaluation file is complete. If the file is not complete, the reviewers will organize facts for EEQA but will not make a specific recommendation.
Council Decision
Based on a final review of pertinent information and data on the institution, EEQA Commissioners make a decision to accredit or renew accreditation or not to do so, or to limit or otherwise condition the grant of accreditation.